While there are no medical claims about the benefits of Shea Butter, there is anecdotal evidence that it is very useful in treating minor skin conditions. Several users who have used Shea Butter for eczema and/or psoriasis have said it works as well as steroids at a fraction of the cost and without the side effects. One customer with an allergy to the sun proclaimed that after using shea butter lotion she discovered that it prevented the rash she normally would get from even a small amount of exposure to the sun.
Benefits of Shea Butter
While there are no medical claims about the benefits of Shea Butter, there is anecdotal evidence that it is very useful in treating minor skin conditions. Several users who have used Shea Butter for eczema and/or psoriasis have said it works as well as steroids at a fraction of the cost and without the side effects. One customer with an allergy to the sun proclaimed that after using shea butter lotion she discovered that it prevented the rash she normally would get from even a small amount of exposure to the sun.